How secure must a password be?

Wie sicher muss ein Passwort sein?

Password Management

Error in password selection

Protecting your own data can be exhausting. Nevertheless, a strong password should not be less than eight characters. Inform now.

Many users in the digital age are still not aware of the consequences of spying on a password by third parties. A cracked password opens the door for hackers, confidential documents or sensitive bank data can be read like an open book.

Useful tips for a secure password

Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important to protect vulnerable data. A strong password is a high hurdle that has to be overcome by hackers.

Nevertheless, many users are too careless in choosing the appropriate password. They lack creativity and make it far too easy for attackers to get into their own digital living room. With the consideration of a few behavioral guidelines, it is easy to create strong passwords and remember them.

Password manager and two-step authentication

A tried and tested means of securing the important passwords can be a password manager in conjunction with two-step authentication. The BSI (Federal Office for Information Security) has recently reviewed the best password managers and confirmed that these systems increase security. All passwords are stored in the password manager. As a result, even complex combinations can be used and recovered. The manager itself is secured with a master password.

In the meantime, these services are supplemented by two-step authentication. This is another safety factor compared to conventional log-in. Both fingerprints and an SMS code or a TAN generator can be used. However, a strong password should also be used for the second security level.

A long password

The hackers ‘ tools automatically try out all character combinations. The longer the password, the less likely it is that the tools will find it.
The BSI recommends at least eight different characters, with WLAN encryption there should be at least twenty.

Uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters

The length of a password is not the only criterion for security. Unfortunately, it is the simple words, even if they are long, that make it easier for hackers to do their job.
The use of special characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, and numbers, arranged in an arbitrary order, give the attackers ‘ search tools little clues to decrypt the password. If you travel abroad more often, you should avoid the umlauts “ä”, “ö” and “ü”, because they are only integrated on a German keyboard.

Remember the password

Although a completely unrecognizable password is quite secure, the difficulty is that it is very difficult to remember. The BSI recommends three options for a donkey bridge.
Thus, half a dozen randomly selected words can be strung together without making any sense. These are then connected with a special character.
Or a sentence is created whose words are linked with different special characters. In addition, it is possible to form a sentence in which number words are replaced by the actual number and short words by special characters.

These words and numbers better not use

Passwords that have a personal connection to the user are unsuitable. This includes, for example, the name of the pet or your own date of birth. The chosen password should not be taken from the lexicon, many hackers use dictionary queries.
Sequences such as “12345678” or a keyboard pattern such as “asdfghj”are completely unsuitable. Searching for it is child’s play for the tools of cybercriminals. Ultimately, a secure password should not be too similar to your own account or email address.

Each service has a different password

Even if it seems inconvenient, each device, account and account should be backed up with its own password. Then the total access of the hacker can be prevented.

Change passwords regularly

For increased security, passwords should be changed at least once a year. Especially if a service has already sent a warning that its website has been hacked. Another indication is the receipt of a spam or phishing email containing specific personal data.
However, the password should not be changed too often. Otherwise, there is a risk of tending to simple passwords, which then again make the work easier for hackers.

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