Our Java game development outsourcing services include such crucial issues as finding the required experts (dedicated team) for further cooperation, complete involvement in the client project, and surely, the full generation of the output according to customers’ specifications.
Our game development phase consists of these stages:
• Deal investigation (concept, goals, specifications, size of the app, complexity, deadlines, resources, creation prototype, characters, design).
• The project itself (features, scale, creation plan, coding, visual and sound effects, choice of platform)
• Team coordination (expert matching)
• Project formation
• Testing (quality of the product, removal of bugs, problems)
• Launch, assistance, control (product optimization, final version of gameplay, features)
Pros to work with Java development company:
• Code’s system allows using of many important tools for creation of new products, software
• Java programs may work on almost all devices and may create isolated systems (networks) for specialized cases.
• The price for program creation may be discussed and available for customers.
• Guaranteed safety of data and quality of the produced software.