Java Game Development Outsourcing

With over 5 years of practice in Java game development outsourcing, Iwanta.Tech provides safe, stable, and bug-free program products based on Java. Our strong sides are to deliver the exclusive Java-focused solution from the idea and manage the special Java working team.


Let’s find out our Java mobile outsourcing competence. It’s privileges in the delegation of services are:


• Flexibility


• Strong community support


• A large set of components and libraries


The firm deals with many foreign partners. Iwanta Tech masters have already found different fixes for customers’ projects, including issues about info control bases, kinds of techniques.

Our specialists form highly flexible, migrating, safe enterprise order, powerful web apps, IOT structures, and cloud-based programs. Speaking about our services, except main creation activity, we suggest the complete maintenance, advancement of all client existing fixes, cross-base porting. provides Java game outsourcing services to small and large corporations, startups, and various spheres, comprising gambling. A set of offers is presented below:

• Enterprise program

• Web app

• Java Mobile game development

• Cloud program

The profits of using Java



Java is one of the most comprehensive coding languages for generating cross-base apps. These programs may perform their tasks on almost all OSs, platforms, browsers, tools.

Multitasking ability


Java-based products may accomplish many assignments at the same time without overloading the app. Our engineers know how this useful characteristic may work in the client’s favor. The feature also helps to write large and important gaming solutions for our users.

Due to this code language’s inner system and well-organized set of APIs, Iwanta. Tech experts can put the code lines quicker, without any bugs.

We suggest a large list of java development services to meet our clients demands. From generating effective mobile or web products to setting up finished business program solutions. Our engineers are constantly glad to distribute effective software fixes to boost the market targets, stimulate the functional practices.

Java game development outsourcing

Individual Java APP Development

We are striving to formulate unique results and build fully-fledged output to satisfy business goals and make products profitable in the market.

Cloud-formed bases

Applying microservice structures, our guru provides the apps that may perform tasks on the air or exclusively on the personal space in agreement with the clients’ choice. The experts make a lot of effort to get your work accomplished.

Transfering, Integrations

Our designers, developers deal with the subjects of migration and integration of the project, containing such conditions as improving database safety, market strategy, UI, features, original coding systems.

Mobile and web app creation

Our team applies this code and its powerful frameworks to produce reliable, flexible and secure mobile and web output, covering games, customized software.

Business APPS

Merging the correct Java enterprise program will stimulate the work in the company, make all inner actions comfortable, catch new chances.


Our specialists cooperate with a solution-making group to provide the client the most effective solution in any aspect of the project (concept, market strategy, development, control).

Our Java game development outsourcing services include such crucial issues as finding the required experts (dedicated team) for further cooperation, complete involvement in the client project, and surely, the full generation of the output according to customers’ specifications.


Our game development phase consists of these stages:

• Deal investigation (concept, goals, specifications, size of the app, complexity, deadlines, resources, creation prototype, characters, design).

• The project itself (features, scale, creation plan, coding, visual and sound effects, choice of platform)

• Team coordination (expert matching)

• Project formation

• Testing (quality of the product, removal of bugs, problems)

• Launch, assistance, control (product optimization, final version of gameplay, features)

Pros to work with Java development company:

• Code’s system allows using of many important tools for creation of new products, software

• Java programs may work on almost all devices and may create isolated systems (networks) for specialized cases.

• The price for program creation may be discussed and available for customers.

• Guaranteed safety of data and quality of the produced software.

Drop us a line if you want to turn
any idea into successful product:

Java game development includes competent engineers, creators, artists, and deal managers. The client java mobile service includes such a group of experts as game designers, project managers, artists, tech support specialists.
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