Windows 11: How the Virtual desktops work

Windows 11: How the Virtual desktops work

If you always have X different programs open, there is a way to organize them better. That’s how it works. […]

You know it: 10 applications open at the same time and every time you have to click through everywhere again until you find the window you need. But: You can also arrange the many windows thematically, so that on command, those that you need at the moment always push themselves into the foreground. For example, you can have a desktop on which Photoshop and Word are open, another with e.g. Chrome and Excel – just as you wish.

How it works

  1. Press the Window key+Tab key.
  2. After that, select the new desktop item in the upper left corner.
  3. Click on Desktop 1.
  4. Open the programs you want to use together.
  5. After that, press Window key+Tab key again.
  6. Click on Desktop 2.
  7. Open the programs you want to use together.

Now you can switch between the desktops very elegantly using the key combination Window key+Tab+left or right arrow (of course, it is also possible with more than two virtual desktops).

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